9 Mart 2014 Pazar

Galaxy S 3 [ROM][4.4.2][CM11 Nightlies][9TH MAR] SmartDroid AOSP V17.0 (b54) [AROMA][f2fs friendly][Linaro 4.8.2]




Stock CM features



SmartDroid wallpapers

disabled shutdown/reboot bitcode check

optimised framework and systemui

disabled journalism

fixed callout delay

proximity tweaks

surface flinger optimised

IPV4 tweaks

Added KK launcher (NEW version with recents sidebar!)

KK Widget

removed CM launcher

pumped init.d tweaks

optimised mounts

f2fs friendly, advanced users only!

OTA ability, from 6.1.3 and onwards!

Supersu from Chainfire included




From xda
Rom and GApps


i strongly suggest dualbooting SmartDroid and SmartDroid AOSP together.. best mix of both worlds!


Step 1, flash devil recovery and reboot into it.

Step 2, select install zip, choose the location then select "Zip to Primary FS" not rom.(make sure you install SmartDroid original as your primary rom and SmartDroid AOSP as your secondary).

Step 3, continue smartdroid installation but dont reboot.

Step 4, go to the main menu and select dual boot menu then select "create secondary system image" and wait till complete.

Step 5, select install zip, choose your location of your secondary rom(it CANT have aroma installer) and this time select "Rom to Primary FS" and flash.

Step 6, finally flash devil kernel and choose what rom to reboot into.


Galaxy S 3 [ROM][4.4.2][CM11 Nightlies][9TH MAR] SmartDroid AOSP V17.0 (b54) [AROMA][f2fs friendly][Linaro 4.8.2]

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