9 Mart 2014 Pazar

Galaxy Nexus [ROM] [AOSP](3/9/14) Shiny ROM: OTA-Like, Stock Android [4.4.2] [KVT49L]

Shiny ROM: Android 4.4.2, KVT49L for Galaxy Nexus (Maguro)



  • Stock Android 4.4.2, build KVT49L

  • Source (AOSP) built kernel (boot.img)

  • Easily rootable (see information below)

  • G-Apps (GMail, Play Store, etc.) included in build along with Nexus apps

  • Stock browser replaced with Google Chrome

  • Shiny restart options - access them by holding down the power button and then long pressing on "Power Off"

  • All the crazy Google proprietary app stuff has been taken care off

  • Updated frequently

  • Everything works!

  • WiFi Tethering (no subscription check)

  • Bluetooth streaming

  • Google account sign-in and auto-restore of apps and settings

  • Google Wallet

  • Location Services (pretty fast GPS lock in my area also)

  • Photosphere

  • Android beam

  • Photo editing with the new filters

  • Email

  • Exchange support

  • Like I said, the normal stuff (data, voice, hardware acceleration, etc.)

  • More things that aren't important enough to mention here - check out the changelog for a more comprehensive list

Installation Instructions (VERY IMPORTANT - Note: You can flash all of these ZIPs in CWM or TWRP*)
*Android 4.4 KitKat builds must be installed using the latest version of your preferred recovery!

1. Download the latest version of the ROM from the download post. (Also download any other files you will need to install, such as Chainfire's SuperSU Root ZIP, radio installation ZIPs, the bootloader installation ZIP, etc.)

2. Put the file(s) you downloaded in step 1 on your phone's internal storage (sdcard).

3. Turn off your phone.

4. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".

5. Use the volume keys to change the arrow until it says "Recovery," then press the power button to boot into recovery.

6. Because of differences in recovery types, I will make the following steps rather generic.

7. Wipe cache.

8. Wipe dalvik cache.

9. If you want to be 100% sure there are no problems, wipe data. If you are coming from another ROM or Android version, wipe data. If you do not wipe data and something goes wrong, repeat this process but wipe data - this step is not necessary if you are simply upgrading.

10. If you are updating your radios, flash the radio ZIP

11. If you are updating your bootloader, flash PRIMEMD04-signed.zip

12. Flash the ROM (ShinyROM_maguro_aosp...signed.zip)

13. If you are rooting, flash Chainfire's SuperSU ZIP file - this step is not necessary if you were rooted on the previous build and are simply upgrading.

14. Reboot your phone, and enjoy!

**Note: If you are simply upgrading to a new version of the ROM and want to keep root, follow the exact instructions above, and do not format /system. It really is not necessary to format /system at any time (unless specifically noted), as the ROM installer has this function built in.


1. Download the latest version of the mod(s) you wish to install from the download post.

2. Put the file(s) you downloaded in step 1 on your phone's internal storage (sdcard).

3. Turn off your phone.

4. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".

5. Use the volume keys to change the arrow until it says "Recovery," then press the power button to boot into recovery.

6. Because of differences in recovery types, I will make the following steps rather generic.

7. Wipe cache.

8. Wipe dalvik cache.

9. Install the mod(s) you downloaded in step 1.

10. Fix permissions (not really necessary)

11. Reboot and enjoy!

**Note: You can remove all mods you've installed by dirty flashing the latest version of the ROM.

ClockworkMod Recovery (Fastboot method - must have an unlocked bootloader and fastboot in your path)

1. Download either the CWM touch recovery image or non-touch recovery image to your computer and rename it to "recovery.img".

2. Power off your phone.

3. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".

4. Plug your phone into your computer using the standard USB cable.

5. Open the command prompt/terminal and navigate to the folder where your "recovery.img" is saved.

6. Type "fastboot devices" to make sure your phone is recognized; a serial number should show up on the screen.

7. Type "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" and wait for the process to complete (should be quick).

8. You're done! Use the volume keys to select "Recovery" and boot into your new recovery!

ClockworkMod Recovery (Flashable ZIP method - easier)

If you are updating your recovery before flashing a ROM, these steps should ALL be completed PRIOR to flashing the ROM.

1. Download either the touch recovery flashable ZIP or the non-touch recovery flashable ZIP.

2. Place the ZIP file downloaded in step 1 on your internal storage/sdcard.

3. Turn off your phone.

4. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".

5. Use the volume keys to change the arrow until it says "Recovery," then press the power button to boot into recovery.

6. Choose "Install update from sdcard"

7. Select "Choose file from sdcard"

8. Find the flashable recovery ZIP file you downloaded and install it

9. Back up to the root menu of recovery

10. Select "advanced"

11. Select "reboot recovery"

12. The phone should boot up into your new recovery!


ROM Download & Changelog
MD5: 2c6f67f7c40580b777f1a34228439174

Fixes/Changes Included So Far

  • (older changes)

  • 2/9/14 CHANGES

  • Initial release!

  • 3/9/14 CHANGES

  • Updated AOSP base to android-4.4.2_r2, build KVT49L

  • Added in new AOSP master branch telephony patches that may help alleviate data issues


Before installing any of the packages below, please be sure to check out the mod installation instructions in the OP!


To make mod installation more convenient, all mod links will now be color-coded based on the files they change. The key shows what each color corresponds with:

Red - SystemUI.apk
Blue - framework-res.apk
Purple - SystemUI.apk & framework-res.apk
Green - Other

If you install mods that are in the same color group, it is likely that they will overwrite each other. It is OK to overwrite a previously installed mod, but please note that the originally installed mod will no longer be there. If you want to completely revert to stock, flash the "Back to Stock ZIP" mod under the baldwinguy77 mod section. This mod replaces your SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk files with ones from the stock ROM.

Developer-specific Mods

All of these mods have been provided by some really awesome mod developers who take the time to continue to make updated mods for my newest ROM builds. That being said, they have lives and can't always get the mods out right away, so make sure the date next to their name matches the build you're running! They usually are around the thread and are open to doing custom mods if you ask  Be sure to thank them and check out the credits section for more info!

Baldwinguy77 (Updated for 3/9/14 build)
Back to Stock ZIP - Returns you to the stock version of the ROM by removing SystemUI and framework-res mods.
Stock kernel flashable ZIP - Overwrites any custom kernel you have installed with the stock kernel normally packaged with the ROM.

Inmanster (Updated for 3/9/14 build)
36 DPI Nav. Bar - Replaces the stock navigation bar with a smaller (height-wise), 36 DPI version.
Black Dash-style Softkeys - Replaces the stock navigation bar buttons with black, dash-style ones.
Blue Stock Softkeys - Replaces the stock navigation bar buttons with blue-colored ones.
Carrier Text Replacement - Replaces the carrier text on the lockscreen and pulldown notification shade with "Galaxy Nexus".

Extended Battery Framework Mods - Improve accuracy of battery level reporting for those using extended batteries.

Grey Battery Percentage - Enables display of the current battery percentage in the status bar with grey-colored font.
InmanMod - A combination of the 2100 mAh battery, no CRT-off animation, carrier text, 36 DPI nav. bar, and white zenyth softkeys mods.
No CRT-off Animation - Removes the stock, default CRT-like screen off animation.
White Zenyth-style Softkeys - Replaces the stock navigation bar buttons with white, zenyth-style ones.

Universal Mods & Downloads

These mods have been compiled by myself, sometimes in conjunction with the modders above, to always work with any version of the ROM (but not necessarily any device). Therefore, you don't have to worry so much about these being up-to-date because they should always work. If that is ever not the case, simply PM me and we'll get it fixed  This section also includes some other Verizon Galaxy Nexus related downloads such as the latest radios and bootloader. You can use these according to the installation instructions in the OP.

Universal Mods
AOSP Web Browser (for Android 4.4) - Installs the AOSP web browser with Chrome bookmark syncing for Android 4.4.
DSP Manager(for Android 4.4) - Installs the DSP Manager app along with the audio libs and configs important to running the service, allowing you to customize the audio equalizer of your device. At the moment, certain apps on Android 4.4 do not work with the modular DSP service.

ClockworkMod Images

ClockworkMod Recovery Flashable ZIPs

Chainfire's SuperSU Root Control App and ROOT Flashable ZIP (Works with 4.3 & 4.4)
Download (Latest version, v1.93)

Maguro Radios
Coming soon!

Tuna Bootloaders
PRIMEMD04 Bootloader Flashable ZIP(Latest)
PRIMELC03 Bootloader Flashable ZIP

Galaxy Nexus [ROM] [AOSP](3/9/14) Shiny ROM: OTA-Like, Stock Android [4.4.2] [KVT49L]

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