25 Nisan 2014 Cuma

Galaxy Note 2 [ROM][4.4.2][TW KK] JellyKatv5 [25/4]320+240dpi |Note3+S5+iOS|Themed| Fast|Tweaked|

Galaxy Note 2 [ROM][4.4.2][TW KK] JellyKatv5 [25/4]320+240dpi |Note3+S5+iOS|Themed| Fast|Tweaked|


JellyKatv5 Features

○●Built from leak N7100XXUFNC2 4.4.2

○●Note3,GalaxyS5,all blended in one!

○●Completely rebuilt from base 0!

○●My famous 240dpi Mod is back!!

○●New and reworked themes(LG G2,Galaxy S5,iOS)(No more bootloop!)

○●OGBatteryMod(Preinstalled)(with 84 different styles made by me!!!)

○●Removed S5′s SPlanner and Quick connect from notification panel

○●New themes for S5 launcher

○●iOS Mod-

~Full iOS themed UI

~Only iOS signal with center clock and left signal

○●Note2 Notification panel choosable

○●New themes for S5 Launcher

○●New AirCommand Themes(Transparent & Translucent)

○●iOS StatuBar icons

○●Add-On apps chooser

○●Bloat chooser

○●MultiWindow Themer

○●Toggle Buttons themer

○●Sony Xperia apps


○●ViPER4Android Sound Mod

○●Status bar icons themer

○●Transparent Dialer

○●New ringtones and system sounds[/SIZE][/B]
○●All goodies from previous JellyKat versions






md5- 058dd1afb8d4ef8a2b022753408980b4

Galaxy Note 2 [ROM][4.4.2][TW KK] JellyKatv5 [25/4]320+240dpi |Note3+S5+iOS|Themed| Fast|Tweaked|

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